La ChicaScratch
Choreography & Performance Art
Pau(la) Chaves Bonilla aka as La ChicaScratch is a choreographer, performance artist and queer grassroots organiser born and raise in Colombia and based in The Netherlands.
Their artistic research investigates social phenomena in a journalistic way -censorship and resistance, gender issues, the commodification of art and social movements in neoliberal societies- and transforms these findings into theatrical performances, video, writings or installations. Their works often portray dystopian landscapes mixing elements of speculative imagination, social critique and magic realism.
Chaves Bonilla is co-founder of Papaya Kuir a grassroots lesbotransfeminist collective led by Latinx trans and queer migrants/refugees. Together they organise workshops, art projects and festivals to celebrate the emergence of diasporic latinx culture, foster a sense of belonging among queer and trans migrants and create spaces of solidarity, collective pleasure and social transformation.
Their artistic work offer spaces to practice, produce and re-imagine a poetics of liberation.